Sunday, October 5, 2008

Run Tomcat Server Under Apache Server

In this post I am trying to give you information of running tomcat server under apache server on LINUX. If you want to do so then follow these instructions:

  1. First of all get Apache HTTP server from apahce site and apache tomcat server from
  2. Install both Apache and Tomcat servers on your system.
  3. Now get tomcat connector from
  4. Now start extracting tomcat connectors file and installing it on bash shell:
  5. $gunzip tomcat-connecters-x.x.xx-src.tar.gz
  6. $tar -xvf tomcat-connecters-x.x.xx-src.tar
  7. $cd tomcat-connecters-x.x.xx-src/native
  8. $./configure --with-apxs=APACHE_PATH/bin/apxs
  9. $make (compiling the installation files)
  10. $make install (installing files)
  11. $cp apache 2.0/ APACHE_PATH/modules
  12. Now configuring Tomcat server:
  13. $vi TOMCAT_PATH/conf/server.xml
  14. In this file add
    <Listener classname="org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig" modJk="APACHE_PATH/modules/"/ >
    <engine name="Catalina" defaulthost="localhost">...<engine> block.
  15. Restart tomcat server if it is running: $./TOMCAT_PATH/bin/ then $./TOMCAT_PATH/bin/
  16. Now doing Tomcat configuration
  17. $vi TOMCAT_PATH/cont/auto/mod_jk.conf
  18. Copy appropriate JkMount files from block to outside of it. eg JkMount /abc ajp13
  19. Now configuring Apache server
  20. Open apache configuration file $vi APACHE_PATH/conf/httpd.conf
  21. Add following line at the end of file: Include TOMCAT_PATH/conf/auto/mod_jk.conf
  22. Also add LoadModule jk_module modules/ in httpd.conf file.
  23. Restart Apache server: $/usr/sbin/apachectl restart
  24. And you have dont it!!!
Now you can run tomcat server applications with the layer of apache server such as if you are running http://localhost:8080/tomcat_project then now you can run it as http://localhost/tomcat_project you will get redirected to your project.


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